Year 1

Year 1 of the art, design and graphic design curriculum is a year of learning combined with a fairly open-ended introduction to the most varied aspects of contemporary creation.

These two semesters allow students to challenge their level of commitment to what constitutes the beginning of a path of excitement and discovery which each student will have to forge on their own. It will be as much about learning and mastering the technical and theoretical bases necessary for the development of an ambitious creative project as it will be about taking this project and fostering a relationship with the world around us. The most current issues will form a constructive dialogue with questions posed throughout the history of art, all for the purpose of putting into perspective each student’s commitment. Lessons will be made up of several components: theoretical courses (philosophy, art history, writing methodology, languages); technical and hands-on workshop courses (drawing-colour-silk screen printing, volume-space, digital practices, photography, video, sound); introduction to physical movement; experiences in art, design and graphic design; collective presentations of work, conferences, workshops, study trips.

Journées Portes Ouvertes de l'isdaT © Franck Alix, février 2019
Journées Portes Ouvertes de l'isdaT, février 2020 © Franck Alix

Semesters 1 & 2

In semester 1 and semester 2, there are several required course components:

  • theoretical teaching: philosophy, art history, writing methodology, languages,
  • technical and practical teaching in the workshop: drawing-colour-silk-screen printing, volume-space, digital practices, photography, video, sound,
  • introduction to physical movement,
  • experiences in art, design and graphic design,
  • collective presentations of work,
  • conferences,
  • workshops,
  • field trips.

Before the end-of-year assessment, students will submit a substantial personal folder called a ‘document’: it demonstrates their knowledge gained over the past two semesters and reflects their commitment to and motivation for pursuing further studies. This document will outline the highlights of their progress over the course of the year. It will gather together studies, sketches, texts, supporting documents, projects and the cultural and artistic events they have participated in (meetings, conferences, visits to exhibitions, trips, readings, and shows, etc.). This work is produced throughout the year; the document will act as a record of the students’ experiences.

Semaine des workshops, février 2018
Atelier bois, isdaT © Franck Alix


Credits are awarded for Semesters 1 and 2. The assessment methods are as follows:

  1. An assessment at the end of Semester 1 in the form of an oral interview based on a presentation of the work will enable the course taken by each student to be measured and analysed, and feedback will be given to each student on that semester’s work. Students will have to show their commitment to the field of artistic creation. Written comments are provided to each student by the teaching team.
  2. A full-year assessment at the end of Semester 2, comprising:
  • an oral test during which the examiners review the work of Semesters 1 and 2 and the student’s progress since coming to isdaT;
  • the evaluation of the ‘document’ submitted by the student, relating to his/her artistic ideas and personal engagement with the field of artistic creation. This document will be evaluated on its presentation and how it is written, as well as on the iconographical research.

During these two tests, the teaching team assesses all of the students’ artistic and theoretical knowledge and skills, their capacity for analysis and criticism, the quality and quantity of their production, their development over the course of the year, and their ability to engage in individual research.

The examiners carrying out this assessment will present their conclusions to the teaching staff involved in the two semesters. A decision is made jointly; a written opinion is given to the student. In order to be admitted to Semester 3, the student must have obtained 60 credits. Repeating the course is not permitted, except in a serious case (illness, accident). The decision to progress to Semester 3 or the permission to repeat is made by the management, on the recommendation of the teaching staff.

Atelier son, isdaT
Atelier son, isdaT
Atelier son © Christine Sibran

Choice of options

At the end of the year, each student will have to choose an option for continuing their studies: art, design (spaces and objects specialisation), or graphic design. In order to learn about the direction of each of the three options available at the institution, from the month of January on, students are invited to attend the upper-year assessments and, later on, graduation. Students are offered a presentation on the content of the options.

Workshop design Céramique 3D au 8Fablab avec le studio Les Communs © Jean-Marc Evezard, février 2021

Courses catalog

Since the start of the 2023 academic year, all information concerning the course programme and timetables can be found on the dedicated Art, design and graphic design courses catalog website (in French).


Art, design, and graphic design studies director
David Mozziconacci

Coordinating teacher
Christine Sibran

Department secretary
Bettina Mellet and Fabrice Matéo
+33 (0)5 31 47 11 95
+33 (0)5 31 47 11 94

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