Pedagogy of the design department

The design department at isdaT endeavours to address the current imbalance between design practices and the issue of overproduction in capitalist societies.

This orientation results in the development of an attitude towards design that is attentive, sensitive and critical whilst considering the complexity of ecological and social balances: human organisations, resources, modes of supply and production, the uses and practices that extend beyond a fixed proposal, adaptability, repairability, and even self-management by the inhabitants concerned.

Thus, the specificity of the training lies partly in the practice of a field.

Confronted with diverse project contexts rooted in reality, students are encouraged to observe, analyse, and investigate the contexts approached in order to be as close as possible to the protagonists and the specificities of the different areas*. In addition, a practical workshop offers a space to cultivate a spirit of ingenuity and inventiveness in order to think and to create operative forms which are able to make the world more liveable in everyday life, whether it involves designing the signs, the objects or the spaces.

*This investigation practice is as much a methodological contribution as a strategy for integration into the economic and social network.

Degrees offered

Diplôme National d’Art (bac + 3), design option, spaces and objects specialisation (equivalent to a Bachelor of Arts)

Diplôme National Supérieur d’Expression Plastique (bac + 5), design option, spaces, objects and ecosystems specialisation (equivalent to a Master’s degree)

more photos
Restitution du workshop "La Rue" avec Fabien Cappello, lycée Françoise, Tournefeuille
Le plein & le vide, workshop design avec Franck Fontana et les étudiants en année 1 à l'isdaT, mars 2019
Journées Portes Ouvertes de l'isdaT © Franck Alix, février 2019
Pauline Roux, DNSEP option design 2019. Photographie © Franck Alix
DNSEP design d'Aurélie Berthelon, juin 2017 © Franck Alix, isdaT Toulouse
DNSEP design d'Aurélie Berthelon, juin 2017 © Franck Alix
Yixuan Peng, DNSEP design, juin 2014
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