Introduction to research
Julien Garde
Julien Garde teaches as a lecturer in the musicology department of the University of Toulouse — Jean Jaurès. He is interested in the dramatic reforms of the Enlightenment and tackles issues relating to cultural transference, encyclopedism, Enlightenment ideas and Parisian society at the end of the 18th century. He took part in writing entries for the Dictionnaire de l’Opéra de Paris sous l’Ancien Régime and has written several articles on Gluck. Currently in the process of publishing his thesis at Honoré Champion, he works regularly in collaboration with the journal l’Avant-scène Opéra. Recently, he has ventured into research-creation in the arts.
At the same time as his research, Julien Garde has continued his practice of conducting a choir, in particular with the young and hot isdaTus ensemble.