Teaching staff


Diplôme d’État de professeur de musique (Bachelor of Music)

Professional environment: Delphine Pascault
Coordination of pedagogy courses : Karina Cobo

Click on the professors’ names for access to their biographies.

List of DE professors — disciplines and courses in partnership with the University of Toulouse — Jean Jaurès (in French).

List and biographies of professors

Classical music courses

Violin: Nathalie Descamps, Carole Garbarg
Viola: Juliette Gil-Perraud
Cello: Sarah Iancu
Double bass: Damien-Loup Vergne
Guitar: Benoît Albert + Rémi Jousselme, in partnership with Thibaut Garcia and the Saison Toulouse Guitare
Percussion: Thibault Buchaillet + Laurence Meisterlin + Émilien Prodhomme
Organ: Stéphane Bois, Yves Rechsteiner
Organ improvisation: Philippe Lefèbvre
Piano: Laurent Molines, in partnership with Bertrand Chamayou
Piano accompaniment: Éloise Urbain + Christophe Larrieu
Vocals: Sophie Koch + Didier Laclau Barrère
Flute: Sandrine Tilly + Claude Roubichou
Oboe / English horn: Gabrielle Zaneboni
Clarinet: David Minetti
Bassoon: Estelle Richard + Marion Lefort + Anne-Sophie Frémy
Trumpet: René-Gilles Rousselot
Horn: Thibault Hocquet
Trombone: David Locqueneux + Fabien Dornic
Tuba: Sylvain Picard
Saxophone: Hugo Schmitt, Thomas Barthelemy
Conductor: Sonia Ben-Santamaria
Chamber music: Yannick Callier

Accompanying pianists: Justine Leroux, Inessa Lecourt, Tom Grimaud, Christophe Larrieu, Marie Condamin
Pedagogy: Pascal Caumont, Karina Cobo, Noémie Robidas, Radouane El Yagoubi, Sören Frappart
History of music: Mathias Rousselot, Mylène Dubiau, Pierre-Marie Barthez, Yannick Simon
Analysis: Thierry Dubau
Improvisation: Patrick Burgan
Introduction to research: Julien Garde

Current amplified music courses

The teaching team is made up of artists and professors from isdaT, Music’ Halle and Université Toulouse — Jean Jaurès.
Coordinating teacher: David Haudrechy

The + symbol means that the teachers work in pairs.
Click on the name of the instrument to view the professors’ biographies.

List of professors in DNSPM — complementary disciplines and courses in partnership with the University of Toulouse — Jean Jaurès (in French).




Dance improvisation classes: Marion Muzac, Anna Khlestkina
Musical culture: David Haudrechy

Dance trainings — Toulouse site:

Dance trainings — Montauban site:


Dance trainings:

Anatomy, physiology, applied anatomy : Marion Cayre
History of dance: Nadine Sers
Musical education and rhythmic training: Sophie Rousseau, David Lobera, David Haudrechy
Dance education for children: Caroline Dassieu
Dance improvisation classes: Marion Muzac, Anna Khlestkina


Pedagogy of dance courses | Dance trainings | Interdisciplinary dance studios:

Fundamental pedagogy: Nadine Sers
Dance education for children: Raphaël Olive, Gwenaëlle Martinez, Martine Truong Tan Trung
Functional Analysis of the Body in the Movement of Dance: Martine Truong Tan Trung, Edith Rumeau, Romain Panassié, Olivier Lefrançois
Musical education and rhythmic training: Sophie Rousseau, David Lobera, David Haudrechy, Florent Tisseyre
Creation of musical material for children dance classes: Fanny Do
Introduction to dance research writings: Nadine Sers, Martine Truong Tan Trung

Accompanying musicians:
Fabrice Benhamou, piano
Fanny Do, piano
Sébastien Gisbert, percussion
Yannick Berbié, percussion
Florent Tisseyre, percussion
Juliette Capel, percussion, cello
Adam Dupas, violin
Léa Bastide, piano

Every year, the isdaT invites various dance personalities to give courses, workshops and seminars to our students in 1st and 2nd year. We have the pleasure to welcome such specialists as:

  • History of dance: Virginie Garandeau, Elisabeth Schwartz, Maxime Guillon-Roi-Sans-Sac, Barbara Schwarz
  • Choreographic intensive: Nina Vallon, Paul Redier, Sarah Cerneaux, Brandon Malboneige Masele, Patricia Greenwood Karagozian, Luis Martin Oya, Leela Petronio, Mathilde Olivares, Cécile Grassin, Marieke Simons, Sandrine Maisonneuve, Marta Izquierdo Muñoz, Patrick Acogny, Dominique Cordemans, Dai Jian, Nans Pierson, Catherine Contour, Lise Messina, Stéphanie Bonnetot, Guillaume Ferran, Valène Roux-Azy, Sylvain Huc, Anouk Orignac, Stéphanie Fuster, Emmanuelle Duc, Aurélie Barré, Ennio Sammarco
  • Dance trainings:
    • Classical: Dominique Guillemassé, Carole Farré, Edith Rumeau, Aurélie Barré, Louise Østergaard, Juliette Thelin, Magdalena Maury
    • Contemporary: Anouk Orignac, Julie Darnaude, Valentin Mériot, Christophe Le Goff, Alexandra Damasse, Stéphanie Bonnetot, Ennio Sammarco
    • Jazz: Cécile Mallé, Hervé Rumeau, Anna Rio, Olivier Gérard, Salomon Mpondo Dicka, Ramon Oller, Paul Redier, Nala Revlon.
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