Shooting studio

A place of experimentation and learning, the studio allows students to acquire the basics necessary for the design and production of quality photographs. Familiarisation with the medium through technical platforms. Use of different film / digital cameras, small, medium and large format. Work with different light sources (flash, continuous light, natural light). It is through these different experiments that students will be able to achieve a mastery of shooting and its historical and technical specificities. These courses aim to provide students with the tools and skills that will allow them to move towards greater autonomy, to ask questions and to justify their choices in the creation of their artistic projects. This involves supporting students in their shooting project, whatever it is: artistic project or simple archiving.


Éléonore False, Françoise Goria

Teaching assistant

Christine Sibran

Hours of operation

Schedule 2023-2024

Studio photo, isdaT
Journées Portes Ouvertes de l'isdaT © Franck Alix, février 2019
Journées Portes Ouvertes de l'isdaT, installation de l'option art, février 2020 © Franck Alix
Studio photo, isdaT
Studio photo, isdaT © Franck Alix
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