Programming and electromechanical devices
The Programming and electromechanical devices workshop focuses on the creation and examination of digital and electromechanical devices or objects. The workshop considers the challenges of technology from cybernetics to its most current developments (Arduino, Raspberry PI, FabLab, 3D printers , intelligent objects, Max-MSP, Processing, augmented and virtual realities…). As the production of digital objects involves specialised methods and technical learning, several partnerships have been formed which grant access to the FabLab artilect and the Code Company.
These partnerships enable access to the following :
- An introduction to “Fablab” tools: laser cutting, 3D printer, etc.,
- Open source hardware and microcontrollers for rapid prototyping,
- Communication with the environment (processing, computer vision eg Kinect, protocols eg MIDI, etc.),
- Supervision of projects and “free” work at the Fablab,
- Introduction to code at the Code Company.
These partnerships make it possible to acquire a basic introduction in Fablab tools, the skills needed to use all digital manufacturing machines, as well as electronic PCB soldering and drawing stations and to engage with open source hardware and microcontrollers.
The Programming and electromechanical devices workshop is located on the ground floor of the Pavillon Labbé. Students are able to access the workshop at their own convenience for the development of projects.
Nathalie Bruyère, Jean-Marc Evezard
Teaching assistant
Lionel Delteil